
Celebrating 5 years of Ironman participation

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Winter Racing

I made my way out to Hyannis for the Hyannis Marathon, Half Marathon and 10k this weekend.  It was great to bring together my good Boston friends, old DC buddies and new tri team folks.  But, our pre-race trash talk/laundry list of ailments and results taught me the following lessons on how to pick out the sandbagger in the group.

We know you’re a sandbagger if:

  • You claim you have barely trained, yet ran a 10k on a tiny indoor track a week before a race
  • You “don’t train,” but still meet your running buddies twice a week for your usual run
  • You consider bailing on the race just beacuse you’re nervous about how you’ll do
  • You never actually cough or limp in the days leading up to the race

It was a great race, despite a wintry mix of weather.  I definitely recommend it to anyone in the Boston (or DC) area.  How often do you get to run by a lighthouse?


Still Running

In just a week I’ll be lacing up the sneaks again for another run.  It’s my first in the Boston area!  No, it’s not the Boston Marathon (let’s say I have some work to do to reach that race).  It’s the Hyannis Marathon! Well, actually, it’s just the 10k for me.  I’m excited to run with my good friend Wynter.  She’s been my Boston running buddy since my first weekend in town.  After unpacking a few boxes, she took me on my first 9 mile run from Coolidge Corner to Boston College and back.  And somehow, on one of our following Sunday runs, she convinced me that running a race up here in February would be fun.

So, we’re off to the Cape next weekend for this race!  A good number of folks from my new tri team – Wheelworks Multisport – will be there too.  I’m excited to stop by my old stomping grounds in Woods Hole and Falmouth.  Any recommendations on places to eat or check out around Hyannis would be much appreciated!